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Welcome to SkateNation, a by skaters for skaters Non-profit Skateboard Company.
We're committed to tirelessly growing and developing the sport of skateboarding in South Africa. Your purchases go directly to helping us achieve this goal through events, facility upkeep, youth programs and helping our talented local skaters achieve their dreams through skateboarding.

Stoke Be With You, Always.

Stoke Be With You, Always.

Stoke Be With You, Always.



Promoting Growth & Well-being

Skateboarding provides an excellent platform for young people to engage in physical activity and improve their overall fitness. By supporting SkateNation, you contribute to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among South African youth. Regular skateboarding not only enhances balance, coordination, and cardiovascular endurance but also boosts self-confidence and mental well-being. SkateNation empowers young individuals, fostering resilience and personal growth, through skateboarding.

Creating Opportunities

SkateNation recognizes the potential of skateboarding as a means to provide education and employment opportunities for South African youth. We offer various programs, including skateboarding workshops, mentorship initiatives, and skills development programs. By purchasing on SkateNation, you are contributing to the growth of these programs, helping young people acquire valuable life skills, entrepreneurship opportunities, and potential careers within the skateboarding industry.

Building Community

Skateboarding has the power to bring people together, transcending social, economic, and cultural barriers. SkateNation works tirelessly to create safe and inclusive spaces where individuals from diverse backgrounds can come together and connect through their shared love for skateboarding. By supporting SkateNation, you help foster a sense of community, belonging, and acceptance among South African youth. This organization plays a vital role in breaking down social barriers and creating opportunities for social interaction and personal development.